
contact details

3351 Regal Drive, Alcoa TN 37701

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Max ThomasPresident

Areas of Expertise:
  • Life safety industry expertise
  • fire alarm code and compliance
  • integrated security solutions
  • BBA, management major, Trinity University
  • AAS, Computer Technology, Community College of the Air Force (CCAF)

Max Thomas was the first COO that Gallaher hired in 2005, and has now returned to be appointed President of Gallaher in 2020.  He possesses an extensive background as a technology executive, producing rapid growth and turn around results.

Gallaher not only offers complete fire alarm systems from Notifier © by Honeywell, but also comprehensive monitoring, maintenance, and inspection services as well.

He has served as Business Development Director, Vice President of Sales, and Executive Management with other blue-chip and mid-market companies that include hardware and software integrators and consulting companies like SIS, Columbus Global, GE Capital ITS, and Digital Equipment Corporation.

Max has been pivotal in the growth and turnaround of several of these mid-market companies over the last two decades.  His strengths are growing revenues and building efficient operations as well as forging long lasting partnerships.  He started his career as a computer systems engineer on IBM Nuclear Air Defense systems for the USAF, building a solid engineering foundation that aided his transition into sales, and executive management in the technology industry.

Max holds a BBA degree with a management major from Trinity University and an AAS in Computer Technology from CCAF.