Our integrated panic buttons can augment your life safety and asset protection measures

Gallaher’s state-of-the-art silent duress alarms mean help is just a click away. Our “panic buttons” come in many shapes and sizes and can be used in offices and cash drawers. Special codes can even be integrated into Access Control options to trigger a silent alarm should an employee or manager be waylaid in the parking lot on the way into work.
How silent alarms work
Here is a quick introduction to how our silent duress alarms can make stores, pharmacies, churches or workplaces safer.
We offer different alarm types. These can range from an actual button under a desk or on a foot rail to a “bait trap” that triggers an alarm when the last bill is removed from a stack or drawer. Duress codes can also be entered into an access control keypad.The types of alarms vary by intended use. Cash advance businesses, banks or credit unions may want to consider a foot rail or bill trap in a cash-handling area. Duress alarms can also be used internally, such as in a human resources office, when employees might feel threatened or uncomfortable during a tough or emotional conversation with another employee. Gallaher’s Central Monitoring station will not call or try to contact a site if a duress alarm is triggered. Police or security are dispatched without any notification for enhanced security. In some cases, however, we will notify a headquarters or regional office that something is wrong at a branch or store.
Duress alarms can integrate with a lockdown function to disable, for instance, a vault or entryway. This can be helpful to a receptionist, for example, who perceives a threat outside the business. This function can buy extra time for the notification and dispatch of police. Sometimes emergencies arise internally. We can install alarms on industrial equipment or in manufacturing areas in the event a mishap or injury occurs. An injured worker or foreman can use the button to summon emergency medical help.
We can help
We can tailor and integrate our duress alarms to your company or business needs. With Gallaher’s integrated technology, help is just the push of a button away. Contact us at https://gallahersafe.comcontact-us today to discuss your best silent duress alarm options.